Positions for Postdoctoral Researchers October 21, 2014. The recently established Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (NeuroMat), hosted by the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and funded by FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation), is offering several postdoctoral fellowships for recent PhDs with outstanding research potential. We seek candidates fitting at least one of the profiles below: […]
We are inviting applications for two Postdoctoral positions (one each in computational and experimental neuroscience) at the Bernstein Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg, Germany for research on – Models of neuronal dynamics in brain diseases, and – Interaction of neuronal populations in epilepsy and dystonia within the new “Trinational Initiative on Brain Diseases” aimed at […]
ADVANCED COURSE IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE, 18th Edition July 28 – August 24, 2013 Bedlewo, Poland Applications accepted: January 21, 2013 – April 3, 2013 SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS: * Ehud Ahissar (Weizmann Institute, Israel) * Dieter Jaeger (Emory University, USA) * Máté Lengyel (University of Cambridge, UK) * Carl van Vreeswijk (CNRS, Université Paris Descartes, France) LOCAL […]
Categorias: Eventos | Outras tags: Escola de Neurociências |
Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS) 22nd Annual Meeting University of Paris “René Descartes”, Paris, France July 13-18, 2013 Abstract submission and registration are now open. Please visit: http://www.cnsorg.org/cns-2013-abstract-submission Deadlines:
OKINAWA COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE COURSE 2012 Methods, Neurons, Networks and Behaviors June 11 – June 29, 2012. Okinawa, Japan http://www.irp.oist.jp/ocnc/2012 The aim of the Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course is to provide opportunities for young researchers with theoretical backgrounds to learn the latest advances in neuroscience, and for those with experimental backgrounds to have hands-on experience in computational […]
Categorias: Eventos | Outras tags: Escolas de Verão |
May 14- June 15, 2012 Focus Program on “Towards Mathematical Modeling of Neurological Disease from Cellular Perspectives” Hosted by the Fields Institute, Toronto Organizing Committee Larry Abbott (Columbia Univ.), Sue Ann Campbell (Univ. Waterloo), Nancy Kopell (Boston Univ.), Frances Skinner (TWRI/UHN and Univ Toronto), David Terman (Ohio State Univ.) REGISTRATION IS OPEN See http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/11-12/neurodisease/ for […]
Categorias: Eventos | Outras tags: Doenças neurológicas |
A partir de 9 de janeiro estarão abertas as inscrições para concorrer a uma vaga na 19a. edição da Escola Européia de Neurociência Computacional, uma das mais tradicionais escolas mundiais dedicadas a esta área em forte expansão. A escola ocorre por três anos seguidos em um país da Comunidade Européia e no triênio 2011-2013 ela […]
A edição de 2012 do evento internacional mais tradicional sobre neurociência computacional (Computational Neuroscience Meeting – CNS) ocorrerá em Atlanta, Georgia, EUA, entre 21 e 26 de julho (CNS*2012). A chamada para submissão de trabalhos ainda não foi lançada (a data prevista é 16 de janeiro de 2012), mas a chamada para submissão de workshops […]
A Ph.D. studentship is available in “Models of mixture coding and olfactory object recognition in honeybees” supervised by Dr. Thomas Nowotny and Dr. Jeremy Niven, Informatics and Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. Deadline: 5.00pm, Tuesday 31st January 2012 Start date: October 2012 Apply here: http://www.findaphd.com/search/ProjectDetails.aspx?PJID=36161&LID=1494
A Post-doctoral Research Fellow is available to work with Zoe Kourtzi (Psychology) and Peter Tino (Computer Science) at the University of Birmingham. The successful applicant will combine brain imaging methods (fMRI, EEG, TMS), computational analysis, behavioural measurements and modelling to examine the neural basis of learning and brain plasticity. The work makes use of state-of-the-art […]
A postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience is available in the Department of Neuroscience at Brown University to work jointly in the labs of Drs. Stephanie Jones and Christopher Moore. We seek to train a postdoctoral researcher in biophysically principled computational neuroscience methods. The trainee will work side by side with experimentalists to receive interdisciplinary systems […]
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, led by Angela Yu, at University of California, San Diego. Initial appointment is for one year, with flexible start date and possibility for renewal. Dr. Angela Yu will be interviewing candidates at Society for Neuroscience Meeting in Washington DC (Nov. 12-16).
Neuroinformatics combines neuroscience and informatics research to develop and apply computational tools and approaches that are essential for understanding the structure and function of the brain. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Program “EuroSPIN” (European Study Programme in Neuroinformatics) is inviting applications from students having a solid background in mathematics, physics, computer sciences, biochemistry or neuroscience […]
A Modelagem Matemática e Computacional em Neurociência é intrinsecamente interdisciplinar e ainda pouco difundida no Brasil. O I Workshop em Modelagem Matemática e Computacional em Neurociência da UFABC é baseado na apresentação de trabalhos de renomados pesquisadores nacionais e internacionais que abordarão alguns dos temas mais recentes nesta área tecnológica estratégica. As inscrições para o […]
A postdoctoral position in computational neuroscience is available in the Department of Neuroscience at Brown University to work jointly in the labs of Drs. Stephanie Jones and Christopher Moore. We seek to train a postdoctoral researcher in biophysically principled computational neuroscience methods.
Categorias: Eventos | Outras tags: Oportunidade de pós-doc |
Neurodynamics: a workshop on heterogeneity, noise, delays, and plasticity in neural systems Mar 5 – 7, 2012 Edinburgh, UK http://icms.org.uk/workshops/neuro2012 Registration now open (and will close on Jan 6 2012)
Categorias: Eventos | Outras tags: Neurodinâmica, Plasticidade |
Open Positions on the PhD and Postdoc level