Arquivos por Tag: Oportunidade no exterior

Pós-Doc em Neurofisiologia Visual/Cognitiva – University of Pennsylvania, EUA

A postdoctoral position in visual and cognitive neurophysiology is available in the laboratory of Nicole Rust at the University of Pennsylvania.

Categorias: Eventos, Oportunidades | Outras tags: , | 33 Comentários

Research Center Director Position at Rutgers-Newark, USA

DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR MOLECULAR AND BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY-NEWARK The Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neurosciences (CMBN) at Rutgers, Newark was created a quarter of a century ago and has grown into a leading research center in Neuroscience, with a solid group of world-class faculty whose research spans systems, behavioral, and computational neuroscience, with methodological […]

Categorias: Eventos, Oportunidades | Tags: | 2 Comentários
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