The ISN-JNC Flagship School is an initiative to support young scientists in their career by increasing their scientific knowledge, network and visibility in the field. Around 40 young scientists (advanced PhD students and young post-docs) from around the world are invited to spend one week with eminent international speakers in a retreat-like atmosphere that allows a close and direct interaction between students and faculty. Besides outstanding scientific presentations given by the invited speakers, the students have the chance to present their own work during poster sessions and to increase their general scientific skills in a variety of workshops, covering technical/experimental topics, publishing and career-related aspects.
The application is open for advanced ISN Student Members (at least two years of lab experience in a PhD project) and to ISN Postdoc Members (up to 5 years after the doctoral degree was awarded).
The first ISN-JNC Flagship School was held in September 2016 and takes place every second year, covering different topics of neuroscience.
More info click here
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