Wanted: Expert Patch Electrophysiologist

Wanted:  Expert Patch Electrophysiologist (Postdoc or Advanced Technician) at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, USAWe are seeking a highly-capable patch-clamp electrophysiologist for a postdoctoral or senior technician position. The ideal applicant has at least 2-3 years of experience using patch-clamp electrophysiology as their primary research tool. We prefer that you have
experience with both in vitro and in vivo preps, or in vitro patching under difficult conditions (dendrites, multiple simultaneous patches, etc.)  Experience with rodent surgery and functional multiphoton imaging is a plus. The applicant will participate in a larger project that involves using imaging, electrophysiological, and molecular techniques to dissect the functional micro-circuitry of early visual cortical areas. The ideal candidate will be able to work relatively autonomously to design and schedule experiments, collect data, and troubleshoot techniques and equipment, while at the same time coordinating their results with other members of the research team in order to drive the project forward.

Location:  Neuroscience lab of Andreas Tolias, Ph.D. @ Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, USA
Contact: send CV to
Tori Williford
Baylor College of Medicine
Andreas Tolias, Ph.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
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