Main meeting: Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown, February 23 – 26, 2012
Workshops: Snowbird Ski Resort, February 27 and 28, 2012
About Cosyne
- The annual Cosyne meeting provides an inclusive forum for the exchange of experimental and theoretical/computational approaches to problems in systems neuroscience. It has attracted a growing number of participants, rising to over 500 in 2011.
- To encourage interdisciplinary interactions, the main meeting is arranged in a single track. A set of invited talks are selected by the Executive Committee and Organizing Committee, and additional talks and posters are selected by the Program Committee, based on submitted abstracts.
- Cosyne topics include (but are not limited to): neural coding, natural scene statistics, dendritic computation, neural basis of persistent activity, nonlinear receptive field mapping, representations of time and sequence, reward systems, decision-making, synaptic plasticity, map formation and plasticity, population coding, attention, and computation with spiking networks. Participants include pure experimentalists, pure theorists, and everything in between.
Abstract submission
- The abstract submission deadline is November 23. Click here for details.
Main meeting featured speakers
- John Assad
- Michael Brecht
- Emery Brown
- Nicolas Brunel
- Stefano Fusi
- Tom Griffiths
- Takao Hensch
- Zach Mainen
- Fred Rieke
- Rebecca Saxe
- Noam Sobel
- Sarah Woolley
Important Dates:
Abstract submission opens: 24 Oct 2011
Abstract submission deadline: 23 Nov 2011
When preparing an abstract, authors should be aware that not all abstracts can be accepted for the meeting, due to space constraints. Abstracts will be selected based on the clarity with which they convey the substance, significance, and originality of the work to be presented.
- General Chairs: Rachel Wilson (Harvard) and Jim DiCarlo (MIT)
- Program Chairs: Nicole Rust (Penn) and Jonathan Pillow (UT Austin)
- Workshop Chairs: Brent Doiron (Pittsburgh) and Jess Cardin (Yale)
- Publicity Chair: Mark Histed (Harvard Medical School)
- Anthony Zador (CSHL)
- Alexandre Pouget (U Rochester)
- Zachary Mainen (Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme)
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