Post Doctoral Position in Neurodegenerative Diseases

NIH-supported post-doctoral position is immediately available for a qualified and highly motivated researcher to study early stages of neurodegenerative disease in human postmortem tissue.
The fellow will pursue a series of related experiments regarding brain areas involved in very early clinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. The successful candidate will have access to very difficult to get tissue belonging to cognitively normal elderly who already showed neurodegenerative changes in the brain. In addition, the fellow will be trained in state-of-the-art neuropathological/neuroanatomical processing and sophisticated graphic and reconstruction software. The fellow will have the opportunity of further participate in ongoing experimental studies.
Preferred Qualifications
Strong interest in neurodegenerative disease
Training in quantitative neuropathology or neuropathology is a plus.

This project is part of a close collaboration with other groups; therefore, candidates must have the ability to work in an international team, show organizational skills, and be driven by an interest in a multidisciplinary research setting

Applicants should possess a recent (within last three years) a MD or PhD degree in the neuropathology/neuroanatomy/ neurosiciences with strong experience in stereology.

Applicants should send a CV and 3 letters of recommendation to Dr. Grinberg

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