Se você participou da Semana Nacional do Cérebro 2014, também inscreveu sua atividade na BAW 2014. Atenção: você deve submeter um Final Report de sua atividade no site
Segue a chamada original da Dana Alliance:
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to have your Brain Awareness Week (BAW) 2014 programs featured on the BAW website. Submit a Partner Report and photographs, and share the successes of your BAW 2014 celebrations.
The deadline for submission of reports is Monday, June 30th.
The Partner Reports are designed to recognize your efforts on behalf of the campaign and to celebrate your achievements in spreading the word about the importance of the brain and brain research. The reports also provide the Dana Alliance with the information we need to evaluate the success and reach of the BAW campaign, so please take a few minutes to share the results of your BAW 2014 activities with us.
To complete your Partner Report, visit the Partners-Only Area of the BAW website. Your feedback will provide valuable ideas and insights for use by the Dana Alliance and your fellow partners in years to come.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
Kathleen M. Roina
Director, Brain Awareness Campaign
Simon Fischweicher
Campaign Coordinator
Brain Awareness Week LogoBrain Awareness Week Campaign Headquarters
The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives
505 Fifth Avenue, Sixth Floor
New York, NY 10017
tel: 212 401-1689
fax: 212-593-7623
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The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives | 505 Fifth Avenue | Sixth Floor | New York | NY | 10017
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