ALBA-Roche Research Prize for Excellence in Neuroscience 2024

ALBA recently launched the ALBA-Roche Research Prize for Excellence in Neuroscience 2024. This is a new prize championing mid-career scientists from underrepresented backgrounds.

The call for nominations is open until 23rd January 2024.

Find more information and the nomination form here:

More information about the prize
Awarded through a new partnership between the ALBA Network and Roche, this prize recognises outstanding contributions in brain research by mid-career scientists from underrepresented groups, whose work focuses on the nervous system and may improve our understanding of the causal mechanisms of brain diseases.

What we mean by underrepresented
Underrepresented groups refer to scientists who have encountered disadvantages, be it by birth or circumstance, presenting additional challenges in career advancement or hindering recognition for their work. This includes individuals who should be more prevalent, recognised, or better funded in brain research, such as women, LGBTQIA+ individuals, persons with disabilities, those with diverse racial, ethnic, indigenous backgrounds, living in low socio-economic areas, facing visa issues due to a weak passport, or experiencing difficult personal circumstances (e.g., caregiving responsibilities). For a detailed definition, please visit the ALBA website.

This prize symbolises a milestone in promoting diversity among awardees and I therefore encourage you to spread the word about this unique opportunity. Please also share ALBA’s social media posts about the prize: X / Facebook / LinkedIn / Instagram / Mastodon

ALBA Network Office
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