Dear Members,
For the 2019 ISN-ASN Meeting in Montreal, 4 – 8 August 2019 we are pleased to invite you to submit your proposals for Symposia, Workshops, Young Investigator Colloquia, and Satellite Meetings between 2 January and 31 January 2018.
The submitting author must be an active ISN Member in good standing. If you are already ISN member, please be aware that you will have to actively renew your ISN membership for 2018 and that your annual ISN membership fee for 2018 (in the case that your membership fee is not waived for 2018 or already paid in advance) has to be received by ISN and your renewal has to be approved before you will have access to the electronic proposal forms.
If you are not an ISN member, please consider that the application process to become a new ISN member may take some time. Membership applications and renewals are usually approved rapidly by the ISN Secretariat, if all requested information is provided and the membership fee (if such a fee is requested) is received.
Confirmation of all proposed speakers listed in proposals for symposia and workshops is required. The application form has a built in feature to contact the proposed speakers and to ask for this confirmation. Please note that without confirmation by all proposed speakers, your proposal cannot be submitted. In order to obtain the confirmation of all speakers in time before the deadline (31 January), contact speakers now and start your application process early.
For further information please see the proposal guidelines
If you have any queries about organising a session or the scientific content, please contact us:
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