FALAN will support two symposia to be held during the second half of 2017 or first half of 2018. Each symposium will be funded up to 3000 Dollars.
FALAN-YI should be organized by a Young Investigator or Post Doc (less than 45 years old) who is in charge of selecting the topic and the speakers and their letters of acceptance.
At least one of the speakers (no age restriction!!) must be a highly cited and international recognized scientist in the selected topic. She/He should have a relevant role and time as a speaker in the symposium.
At least 2 other YI speakers must be from 2 different Latin-American countries working in the symposium subject.
It will be a plus if the symposium is part of a more extensive neuroscience activity like a Society meeting, course, a school or workshop.
How to apply: by letter including the following data:
Title and rationale of the proposed symposium.
Speakers. Name, position, address, and tentative titles.
Letter of acceptance.
Please, send the application to Elaine Del Bel, eadelbel@forp.usp.br
SUBJECT: FALAN-YI Symposium 2017/2018.
NEW Deadline: August 30, 2017
Osvaldo D. Uchitel, MD. PhD.
President of FALAN
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