Congresso da International e American Society for Neurochemistry em Cancun 2013 (Abstracts Novembro 2012)

Estamos chegando próximos ao “deadline” de submissão de resumos para o ISN/ASN Meeting (International and American Societies for Neurochemistry) que ocorrerá em Cancún em abril de 2013. Essas suas
sociedades realizam suas reuniões conjuntamente de 4 em 4 anos e
neste evento em particular concedem muitos auxílios para America
Latina. Por favor, vejam no final da mensagem os prazos para submissão

Abaixo trecho da mensagem enviada pelos Dr. Adan Aguirre que coordena com o Dr. Arturo Ortega o Comitê Local.


Cecilia Hedin Pereira
Soc. Bras. Neurociências e Comportamento (SBNeC)


ISN and ASN aim to have a big representation of the Latin American
scientific community with interest in neuroscience in order to promote
the science in Latin America. This meeting will be a terrific
opportunity to discuss and demonstrate to the international
neuroscience community how enormous and significant is the research
that is accomplished in Latin America, and why not also shared
interests to the potential for future collaborations.

One of our aims as local host members is to the ISN-ASN meeting is to
encourage students, postdoctoral fellows, colleagues and any other
person with interest in neuroscience in your institution and country
to participate in the several activities that will be held in the
meeting that include satellite meetings, workshops, ISN Advanced
School, mini symposium and porter sessions.

The ASN-ISN is a highly supportive society and as such it is providing
several awards giving priority to Latin America scientist. We got an
email from the president of the ASN mentioning that there are not yet
big representation of the Latin America register (see this email here

Please see here below the link for the meeting and deadlines for the
the ISN-ASN meeting 2013, Cancun Mexico.

Important Dates:

On-Line Abstracts
* Opens: August 01, 2012
* Closes: November 15, 2012

Travel Awards
* Deadline Nov 1, 2012

ISN Advanced School
* Deadline Nov 1, 2012

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