O Primeiro Curso LAZEN sobre Zebrafish (Dani rerio, peixe conhecido no Brasil como “Paulistinha”) ocorrerá em Porto Alegre, Brasil, entre 5 e 10 de Dezembro próximo. Trata-se de uma iniciativa conjunta da Rede Latino-americana de Zebrafish (LAZEN) e o P.P.G. em Biologia Celular e Molecular da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), e visa introduzir pesquisadores e técnicos no uso deste modelo experimental animal alternativo.
Prezados colegas,
Encaminho abaixo (e em anexo) informações sobre o I LAZEN Zebrafish Course, que ocorrerá em Porto Alegre no mês de dezembro, e conto com seu apoio na divulgação do evento.
Desde já agradeço,
Monica Vianna
Prof. Mônica Ryff Moreira Roca Vianna, Ph.D.
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul PUCRS
monica.vianna@pucrs.br; monica.vianna@pq.cnpq.br
Dear Friends,
The First LAZEN Zebrafish Course will take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, next December 5-10. This is a joint initiative between the Latin American Zebrafish Network (LAZEN; http://www.zebrafish.cl/lazen.html) and PPG em Biologia Celular e Molecular, PUCRS (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; http://www.pucrs.br/bcm), that aims to introduce inexperienced researchers and technicians in to the use of this animal experimental system.
The course will consist of lectures on the rationale and practical applications of different experimental approaches in the zebrafish, conducted by Latin American researchers with extensive experience on the subject.
The target audience includes students (undergraduate and graduate) and researchers who want to deepen their knowledge about this animal model which use is increasing worldwide and has significant strategic and competitive advantages in several areas of research, as well as animal care technicians who want to expand their expertise.
The program will include the following topics:
– General view and history of zebrafish and LAZEN.
– Obtention and development; manipulation of embryos and larvae.
– Behavioral protocols and pharmacological approaches; memory, anxiety and stress.
– Toxicology and drug screenings.
– Genetics and transgenesis; morpholino and DNA injections.
– Microscopy, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization.
Additionally, we will offer a limited number of places for practical training, to be held in the mornings, the same dates. Applicants interested in these positions should write to the LAZEN board (lazen@zebrafish.cl) explaining the reason for their interest, and the expected contribution of this training to their professional formation. Please include a note from the supervisor supporting the application and a short CV.
Students from all Latin America are welcome, but they are encouraged to get their own financial support. Eventually, there will be a small amount to partially support travel of two or three non-Brazilian students. Please, state and justify in the application if this support is needed.
For more information: http://www3.pucrs.br/portal/page/portal/educon/index/extensao/curso cd_curso=326.
Registration to the theoretical course can be made at Educação Continuada, PUCRS (Prédio 15, sala 112 PUCRS central campus), telephone (+5551) 3320-3727 or through the e-mail: educacao.continuada@pucrs.br. Cost: R$ 112,00; Deadline for registration: 29/11/2011
We please ask you to distribute this information as widely as possible in your institutions and among people you think might be interested.
Best regards,
The LAZEN Board
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