The 2011 Ricardo Miledi Neuroscience Training Program is currently accepting applications from qualified graduate students in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Under the leadership of Dr. Omar Macadar and Dr. Federico Dajas at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas “Clemente Estable,” successful graduate students will receive extensive hands-on training in neurophysiology, neurogenesis, CNS pathologies and neural systems, and behavior among other topics.
The program will take place from March 14 to April 9 in Montevideo, Uruguay. Miledi fellows receive travel and living expenses for the course in addition to a travel fellowship to attend the 2011 SfN annual meeting in Washington, DC. Qualified applicants will be current graduate students in Latin America or the Caribbean and posses strong English communication skills. The application deadline is Dec. 20, 2010.
View the 2011 program flyer or the Miledi Training Program Web page for more information. SfN members are strongly encouraged to forward this message to colleagues and students who may be interested in the program.
Best regards,
Carol A. Barnes, PhD
Chair, International Affairs Committee
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