Arquivos por Tag: Posições no exterior

Posição de Professor em Neurociência Matemática na Universidade do Nebraska, EUA

A tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Mathematical Biology is available at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. A theoretical/mathematical neuroscientist would be a suitable candidate for this search. More details and application instructions can be found at

Categorias: Oportunidades | Outras tags: | 7 Comentários

Junior Faculty Positions in “Cognitive Neuroscience” and “Decision-Making & Judgment Research” at the University of California, Irvine

Two Assistant Professor positions are available in the Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of California, Irvine.

Categorias: Eventos | Outras tags: , | 2 Comentários

Rutgers University-Newark Seeks New Director for Neuroscience Center

Rutgers University-Newark is seeking an exceptional neuroscientist as the Director for the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience (CMBN). CMBN is part of a larger community of neuroscientists at Rutgers-Newark, with additional researchers in the Biology and Psychology Departments. Collectively, these researchers represent all levels of analysis in neuroscience and offer a Ph.D. degree in […]

Categorias: Eventos | Tags: | 1 Comentário
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