A full time endowed position for “Professor of Neurosciences” is available at the Brain Institute at the Albert Einstein Institute for Research and Education (InCe – IIEPAE), São Paulo, Brazil. We seek an outstanding senior researcher as a professor of the Institute.
Job description
The main goals include the development of research in neuroscience involving ageing processes in the brain and methods to promote healthy ageing. Additional focus includes study of neurodegenerative diseases.
The position requires a record of scientific excellence and management experience, as well as vision and motivation to lead and shape a team of researchers. The candidate is expected to lead a strong, internationally competitive research programme, attract external funding and promote an interactive and synergistic research environment in order to develop clinical neuroscience into a center of excellence in biological aspects of ageing. Good communication skills are required to interact with a multidisciplinary team of experienced neurologists, neurosurgeons, scientists, engineers, physicists and psychologists.
Required skills/Qualifications
- Senior researcher with PhD
- Experience working as a leading researcher
- A strong track record of publications, ideally h-index > 20
Desired skills/Qualifications
- MD title
- Portuguese speaking
Salary is provided by a donation (equivalent to a top salary for a physician in Brazil USD120,000.00 – 180,000.00 per year). The position is renewable. The appointment is for 24 months at first.
About Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein ranks number one in Latin America, was the first hospital outside of USA accredited by the Joint Commission International and possesses a number of ISO certifications. The Brain Institute-IIEPAE has a state-of-the art whole body 3T MR system equipped with 32 channel head coil with protected time for research, integrated with a 64 channel EEG-fMRI system. The facilities also include an fMRI eye-tracking system, TMS and in house stimulus delivery systems for advanced applications. Radiopharmacy laboratories for basic research and clinical application, an experimental core facility with a cell culture laboratory and genome sequencing and an AAALAC certified experimental facility are also available. The institution also holds a postgraduate programme in health sciences, recognized by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES), giving the opportunity to supervise postdoc, PhD and master students.
Apply for position:
The position is open until 31st of July. The top 20 CV will be selected and evaluated by a committee.
Please e-mail CV, NIH Biosketch, statement of research interests and contact information of references to:
ince@einstein.br with “Professor of Neurosciences” in the subject line
Brain Institute – Albert Einstein Jewish Institute for Education and Research
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein – www.einstein.br
Phone: +55 11 2151-3727