Caros Neurocientistas,

A IBRO-LARC abriu uma chamada para Diversity Grant. Esta é mais uma oportunidade de apoio da IBRO-LARC para eventos.

Grant Amount: Up to 1,000 EUR

IBRO-LARC awards individual LARC member societies with diversity grants for activities or events that promote diversity and/or the participation of women in neuroscience. The successful society is required to send a program, a report on the proceedings and the numbers and proportions of female plenary lecturers, symposium speakers, session chairs and participants in the meeting after the event has ended.

Envie sua proposta para sbnec@sbnec.org.br, contendo o programa da atividade (em inglês).

Prazo para envio: até 10/05.

Diretoria SBNeC (2014-2017)

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