Prezados Colegas:
Tem havido uma preocupação crescente, entre neurocientistas de diversos países, com a utilização de resultados de pesquisas em neurociências e comportamento em favor de atos que violam brutalmente os direitos humanos, como em torturas e em ações militares agressivas. O manifesto abaixo, liderado pelo Dr. Curtis Bell (Pesquisador Senior Emérito da Oregon Health and Science University), resume e traduz a preocupação deste grupo de pesquisadores sobre o assunto. A pedido do Dr. Bell, estamos publicando no blog da SBNeC o manifesto na sua íntegra, com 3 objetivos principais:
1) Dar ciência aos sócios que este movimento existe;
2) Abrir um espaço para discussão sobre o assunto neste fórum;
3) Solicitar que, aqueles que concordam com as bases do manifesto, o assinem.
O Dr. Bell pode ser diretamente contado no endereço que consta no manifesto.
José A Alves Gomes
Pesquisador INPA/LFCE
Dear neuroscience colleagues,
We are all aware of the many contributions that neuroscience makes to human health and to a deeper understanding of our nature. Such contributions are the bright side of neuroscience but there is also a dark side. Neuroscience, like any other branch of knowledge can be used for good or ill, and some applications of Neuroscience can damage our collective human life. Neuroscience can be used, for example, to enhance torture or aggressive war, both of which are crimes under international and national laws. Our goal as human beings and neuroscientists should be to create a culture within the field in which applications that enhance human well-being are encouraged, whereas those that damage human well-being are discouraged. Accordingly, a pledge is circulating internationally among neuroscientists that commits the signer to the following:
a) Making themselves aware of the potential applications of their own work and that of others to applications that violate basic human rights or international law such as torture and aggressive war.
b) Refusing to knowingly participate in the application of Neuroscience to violations of basic human rights or international law.
Thus, the pledge simply commits the signer to following the basic ethical principles of recognizing the bad as well as the good effects of their actions and of acting in accordance with the law.
Once sufficient signatures are gathered, an effort will be made to include the substance of the pledge within ethics statements of national and international neuroscience societies.
The pledge may be read and signed online at:
More background on the pledge may be found in an opinion piece published in New Scientist here.
Signatures on this pledge will not stop aggressive wars or violations of fundamental human rights, or even stop the application of neuroscience to these purposes. But signatures on the pledge will help make such applications less acceptable. In signing, neuroscientists will join with others in helping to move the world toward a culture of peace and respect for human life.
If you agree, please sign the pledge.
Curtis Bell
Senior Scientist Emeritus
Oregon Health and Science University
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