IBRO-LARC oferece bolsas para pós-graduandos

O Comitê Regional para a América Latina (LARC) da International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) aceitará, de 1 a 31 de março de 2009,  solicitações de ajuda financeira destinada à participação de estudantes de pós-graduação em cursos, workshops e visitas de curta duração em países da América Latina (veja, abaixo, texto do anúncio original).

IBRO’s Latin America Regional Committee (LARC) will evaluate possible funding (up to US$ 1000) for attendance to courses, workshops or short research visits within the region to take place between July and December 2009.

Candidates should not be older than 40 years.  Priority will be given to doctoral students doing short stays within the region.  Applications for short stays outside the region or in the applicant’s country will be considered only if adequately justified.  Prepare a CV, a letter of support from your director, a letter of acceptance from your host, and an activities plan.

Applications will open on March 01 and will close on March 31.

Applications must be sent as an e-mail message with attachments, preferably all attachments in one message, and sent only once. Disperse and/or repeated messages only create chaos and invite deletion of apparently similar documents.

Send your application to the following two addresses:

1- Horacio Vanegas

Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC)

Apartado 21827, Caracas 1020A, Venezuela

E-mail: horaciovan@gmail.com

2- Fernando Torrealba López

Laboratorio de Neurobiología,

Departamento de Ciencias Fisiológicas,

3er. Piso. Edificio Decanato.

Santiago- Chile

E-mail: ftorrealba@bio.puc.cl

These two addressees are obliged to acknowledge receipt. In order to detect eventual losses of material, the applicant that does not receive such acknowledgement should inform the addressees.

Decisions will be communicated to applicants on April 30.

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